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Jay And Edna Hoover

Jay and Edna attended the University of Wyoming
in 1984 to 1989. Edna is from Brazil, married
Jay. You use to call me Lorena. Please if you
see this contact me.

Contact Lorraine Montoya at: lmontoya@uwyo.edu

Elizabeth Ellen Hilton

Just wanted to hi!!!!!!!!!

Contact Alex Barraza at: abar@aol.com

Caevon Hekmanty

Why do I spend 
so much time thinking 
about you? I really want 
to talk to you, find out 
how you are. Make sure 
that you are still alive!
Remember Suzy Engle?

Contact Susan Berck at: suzyberck@yahoo.com

33Steeplechase cir.
Horsham, PA 19044
Hazel Derowyn Hutchins maiden name

haven't heard from you 
for years. Last several 
cards and letters returned.
Please contact me at 

Contact joy L. scarlett at: RokeyJam@webtv.net

Candy Hazen

Candy...My mom would 
love to hear from you...her 
name is Carol.. We were all in
Frankfurt Germany together
and the last place we saw you
was Stone Mountain Georgia.
I was friends with Mari and
Dawn was friends with
Dari..Talk to you soon.

Contact Debra Marie Thompson Wagner at: Debra9798@AOL.COM

William (Bill) Hunt

went to high school 
with Bill (Vista High, Vista 
CA),played euphonium with 
his best buds, Terry and 
Howard, graduated 1975, 
married Cathy Yates, went 
into the Navy. Last time
I had heard about Bill he 
was stationed in San Diego. 
He was on nuclear subs... 
would love to catch up with 

Contact Sue Neal (nee McPherson) at: travelqueen_1@hotmail.com

P.O. Box 793
Falling Waters WV 25419
Diana Haynes

I'll be back in 
New Mexico in January 
or February

Contact Rollin Webb at: rollin@rocketmail.com

Barbara Bixel Hunt

Would like to reconnect 
with my 3rd grade teacher from 
South Bend, IN more than 30 
years ago! Thank you!

Contact Carol Brumer at: sholomg@mcs.net

Kevin Hare

Looking for the Kevin 
Hare who used to live in 
Montreal, then moved to British 
Columbia. Wondering what 
happened to him. Haven't heard 
from him in more than 18 years.  
Have tried to locate him 
unsuccessfully over the years.  
Hope he, or someone who knows him, 
will see this and put us back 
in touch.

Contact Jonathan Freed at: jafreed@cbs.com

Sherry Lynn Houston

I am looking for Sherry L.
Houston. I went to school
with her from 1980-1988. 
The last time I saw her she
was living in Hebron, Ky. 
and the last time I heard 
from her she was living in
Ohio and moving to Vermont.
I would like to know if
anyone has seen or heard 
from her. If they have 
please E-Mail me. Thanks,

Contact Darcee Hinton at: Yrmj22a@prodigy.com

4840 sw 111 ter. Ft. Lauderdale, 
Fl. 33328
DeAnna Hainey,

Last contact around 1980...
maiden name Paulk.....

Contact Catherine DuBois at: alcatbeta@sprintmail.com

Carolyn Hamilton

Maiden name of childhood
friend from Lake Charles, LA who 
was like a sister to me. About 
5'1", blue/green eyes,dob 3/7/48(?)
Sisters = Betty, Ann. Lived in 
Conroe, TX with husband (unknown name)
& son in late 70's. 

Contact F Lee Ruppen at: flee@earthling.net

Alice Faye Hinton

Alice Hinton (maiden name) was
in U.S. Navy radio school
1960-1961. Former classmates 
searching, Doyle Lond, and Steve 
Anderson. her home state was
North Carolina, contact Doyle!

Contact Doyle Long at: jasteam@goldstate.net

Glenda Harper

Her name was Glenda Harper 
back in 1942. Lived in Omaha Neb 
on 28th, 29, and Fort St. Her dad 
was transfered to Ft Leavenworth. 
He worked for the government and 
they moved there. She had a brother 
and sister, I think her name was 
Margaret or Marjorie? She went to 
bible school around 1942 or so. 
It was called St. Paul Bible School 
located in St. Paul Mn. If anyone 
knows her please contact me.

Contact Harriet (Nelson) Wilson at: jwhw7922@aol.com

James Hershey

It been along time.
 Since Azusa and Wilderville.

Contact Kary at: Kanarry@aol.com

Dolores Haberman

Dolores Haberman lived in 
Potsdam, East Germany, with her 
mother Luiza, a son Pedro Haberman 
and others members. In 1963 she 
went to Havana, Cuba. The last 
contact I had with her was by
telephone from Mexico in 1963.
I know Dolores in 1962 in the 
extinguished RDA. In that time 
she works as a interpreter.His 
father was a ex-combatant of 
civil war of Spanish.

Contact Mário Honório Teixeira Filho at: tecnojat@unisys.com.br

Av. Rio Branco, 156/3103
20043-900 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Tel. + 55 21 240 7432
Fax  + 55 21 240 2658
Timothy Andrew Haston

We met in Greece in 94 and you
visited me in Norway. We also kept
in touch by telephone-but all by 
sudden it stopped. Please contact 
me-you used to live in London(Windsor)

Contact AndrČ Dahl at: andre.dahl@hoyre.no

Mike Harris

Wondering about you after
all these years. Still heard t
that you were in Moses
Lake. Hope all is well
with you and Happy
in your life.

Contact Wendy Catling Hein at: Breezs@aol.com

Ann Hartdegen

Ann ... lost track of you,
Hap and Tink when you left
SUNY and when Mrs. Green's
telephone was disconnected.
Please call 617-0639.

Contact David Orin Charles at: davichar@enoreo.on.ca

(parents at same address as always)
Tod Hostetler

Your bud from high school!
Where are you?  What are you up to?
I got married! email me!

Contact Rob Lunsford at: california.robyn@surffamily.com

Barbara Hill

 Barb was supposed to get married
 in 1980..Last name not known
Did live in Charlottesville VA...Brother,
Gary and Mother, Jane...Father is Robert Hill
 ...Parents divorced and father remarried is the
 last I heard... but all still lived in the Va area....

Contact Micki Illigasch at: zudf20a@prodigy.com

Joan or Charles Hereford

last address was Reston,Va in
1973.They have 4 kids that are
grown.Trent,Toni,Valarie & 
Charles.I've been trying to 
find them since 1974.Could 
possibly live in Pennsylvania.
They are in their late 50's &
ages of kids are Trent 36,Toni
35,Valarie 34,& Charles 31,who
was my sons best friend when 
they were young.I miss Joan 
very much and would so much
like to hear from her again.We
were best friends in Taunton,
Mass in 1970.My last name at
the time was Jillson,and had
three sons,Paul,Christopher,
and Michael. I hope you can 
help me as it would mean so 
much to me. I look forward to
hearing from you,and thanks 
for the help if you don't 
succeed.Also Charles Hereford
Sr.had a lot of brothers &
sisters,I think from Pennsylva
nia.Also their race is black,
and my race is white. I think
of her every day & hope she is
doing well. Thanks again

Contact lorane davis at: loristoy@netline.net

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